
Connected (1) DW -Troy (2) Leslee (8) meditation (1) Tauno (5) the book (26) video (4)

вторник, 26 юни 2012 г.

My connection with Tutankhamen, Cayce and Kathi


My connection with Tutankhamen
I was doing a Pituitary Dimensionl Attunement sound meditation via Tom Kenyon as usual today
I have always felt a deep relaxation and peace and calm when i do this meditation, it opens the Universe for me
As I was deep in meditation listening to it for the second time I saw a cobra/the cobra that is on the forehead of the Pharaoh`s crown/, and then the image of Tutankhamen emerged into my spiritual view , I saw the Pharaoh quite clear, the same thing happened to me  few months before when I saw the Goddess Hathor
After I saw Tutankhamen I started another meditation – Shamanic Hathor Heart Chakra meditation and another Being appeared to me – She was dressed in dark blue, Her hair was brown and she has pale skin, I asked about Her name – Kathi / if I remember well/, I received that She is my Teacher
Another thing I remember is from Athabantian – the crew of Athabantian is here and is getting ready to take action with all of us.

Love and Light

Another clue, given from Spirit, today, after I have received the name Kathi/ one of my teachers in the Spiritual realms/ I got an e-mail from a friend who do not speak English, the information attached was about Edgar Cayce/ Cayce – Kathi very close names according to their pronunciation/ and important info to me

According to Mayas Cayce is WIZARD – 2, a Linking Worlds Wizard, unseen guiding force: Blue Hand – Knowledge, Action, Healing

WOW – I saw as a vision a blue hand reaching to me after I met Umbro that night
Kathi is dressed in dark blue

Thank You, Spirit! Thank You All!


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 6)

January 19, 2012 § 4 Comments

PART SIX: Fantasy And Reality

[From Buddhas Heruka and Naropa]
You can also use your dreams to create your waking life.
This differs from literally turning your fantasy world into your ‘real’ world, because the dreams and wishes of the other actors powerfully affect the ‘real’ world.
You can, however, use your wishes to bend reality somewhat, and influence energies to flow in the direction that you’d like.
How quickly and to what extent this can manifest depends considerably on the wishes of the other people surrounding you (this is one reason why many spiritual traditions emphasize community). But even if you often feel like a stranger in a strange land, your wishes constantly affect your experience.
For instance, let’s say you’re in a job that you really don’t enjoy. Or maybe you just need to find a job. If you focus your mind on an imagined situation that you wish to find yourself in, the energies of your wish flow in the direction of that outcome.
If you can also manage not to think negatively about your ‘existing’ situation, that keeps the way clear for the energy to flow more precisely in the direction of your desires. Your energy goes where your mind goes, so negative thoughts, especially discouragement, tend to divert or short-circuit the fulfillment of your wishes because they dilute the amount of energy that actually goes in the direction you want.
It’s essential to understand that this manifestation process works in a rather unpredictable way.
So it’s best not to focus too much energy on the specifics of what you wish for, or you may miss opportunities arising.
This shows another example of how grasping may sneak in, disguised as part of your spiritual endeavors.
Generate your wish enthusiastically but try not to grasp too tightly at how you think it ought to come true.
The more clearly you can understand what it is you’re really wishing for (the stripped-down version), the more latitude Enlightened Beings have to influence outcomes. Then, the more quickly and easily you’re likely to notice results.
Even the smallest inspiration you get could be coming from Enlightened Beings trying to help you open up and allow your dreams to come true.
You can do this with any wish you have in your life. The state of mental relaxation that allows Us to plant seeds resembles a dream state, and with some people, dreamtime is the best time for Us to plant those seeds. You can take your wishes to sleep with you, and We may use that opportunity to both give you ideas and show you how you may need to fine-tune your wishes.
During your waking time you can process what you remember from your dreams, and also work on focusing your energy towards them.
In this way We can help you to dream yourself to a more fulfilling life.

събота, 23 юни 2012 г.


Hi, Tauno,
Perfect timing! I was a little late getting home, but I felt we were connectedeven while I was on my way home, anyway. :)
I’ll comment within your email, and then share my experience at the end…
On Jun 22, 2012, at 11:33 AM, Tauno wrote:
> Dear Les, I feel we were connected again
> here is my meditation
> Love You, dear Friend !
> Tauno
> My crystal connection with Adrial and Leslee
> I sat in my armchair to wait for the exact time, as I was holding the crystals I had a vision in front of me of a white rabbit moving upwards , I was aware that time is right
I think perhaps (well of course I was the rabbit!) that the white rabbit moving upwards was me, and also that this represents the last figure you saw, climbing the crystal ladder… More on this at that part of your meditation…
One thing that I find remarkable and humorous about your vision of the rabbit is this: it’s like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, but instead of leading Alice down the rabbit hole, he’s doing the opposite of what Alice does, by transforming into a being of the madness of the “upper” world, and coming OUT OF the rabbit hole!!! ;)

> I was meditating with ALGIZ and one of the Leos family Lemurians
I had a whole tray of crystals in front of me, arranged in a way that I think represents Gaia… And the hollow calcite geode on my lap, with a beautiful Lemurian I bought recently. This one has tiny brilliant dark blue threads in it’s base.
I was holding OcaTAwa; she told me that since we would be focusing on inner earth and outer earth connections, that was most appropriate. She asked me to keep her cave covered with my thumb…

> All the time in all ways the Rube GEBO was seen sometimes merged with the Rune ALGIZ and the Rune TEIWAZ – a sign of a connection, reached balance and a victory :D
> I received “You are protected” then I saw an angel with wings and the same sign M – AA Michael and one of Leslee`s guides that she remembers from the time of her incarnation on Earth
Yes! I feel quite happy mow, after talking with both my therapist and Konstantinos and Iltheos! I’ll ask him how much of our private conversation he’d like to share. It’s a very beautiful and touching story. :)

> I was guided then to the crystal kingdom of Lemuria and there I saw two figures that were separated from a kind of crystal wall/dimension. They gradually met each other and formed a connection, from this connection I saw a Light formed
I feel this has to di with Agnès being encased in the amethyst flower…
When I went into the hospital on April 3, on the 4th I had a very brief vision of seeing a beautiful violet and clear amethyst crystal, as if it were right at my face and all I could see.
I understood last night that vision was not a vision, it was a moment of my consciousness returning to Agnès’ body, and Agnès opening here eyes for just an instant, realizing she was still in the crystal bed, and Leslee was still Leslee. So you’ve seen where I am!
> Then I saw this one ruler of Agartha that met Admiral Byrd in his visit, He was sitting in a chair,
(This is Glöethe) :D
There was a post I made named “Glöethe’s Eyes”; I need to find it and look at it again…

> then I saw another Guide that was looking at me and the whole crystal took the image of a Being and I heard “ This is Adrial speaking to you”
Wow! What did the being look like? Simply the crystal? How wonderful, Tauno!!! :D

> I saw a figure climbing a sort of ladder – smooth crystal pointing upwards, this figure/a spiritually evolved human / shaman / was moving up while at the same time this moving figure became more and more crystalline till reaching another body of a different “matter”

I think this represents a person, perhaps me, making the transference from the crystalline/Lemurian body to the human body on the surface of earth…

Another thing I just realized is that because I was late, you and I may have seen this same thing at the same time! Almost identically to your ladder, the first thing I saw was a tall Lemurian point, like a huge version of the one I was meditating with (I’ll send you a photo), which of course would look like a ladder! Then I saw, at the top of it, the images of the SAM that I shared, that looks a bit like an eye… Crystal center, surrounded by dark steel spiraled wire and blue kyanite blades… I saw the eye of Horus as if a transparent curtain superimposed in this…
So that was the beginning of my meditation… Then I went on to see Abi-Qor again, as if in the dream, and spent some time looking at that.
Next I felt that there were no more images coming, but that you might still be connected, so I should take my recorder and describe my dream from last night. That took a half an hour or so? I will share that more when I have time to type up the dreams… There was an argument with my ex, as I was trying to collect Lucas to take him to school, and there was a shattered ibject and something about changing clothes. Then there was a scene about a canteen or diner at a movie set or circus set, again with disagreements and things being broken…
My! We are really good at this, aren’t we! ;D

петък, 22 юни 2012 г.


what to do when you freak out

February 5, 2011 § 7 Comments
everyone on a spiritual path wants to know: what (who) makes a good teacher?
Spiritual paths (even the quiet-stream type) presents challenges. Delusions have gripped us for a long time, and they enjoy their abusive power.
I speak of delusions as people, because at times we can confuse delusions with our own Inner Guides.
Our Inner Guides are “people”, in the sense that “they” possess awareness and intention. Whether we view them as our intuition, a deity, a Buddha, God/Goddess, our Higher Self, etc., Inner Guides function like people.
Delusions do not possess awareness or intention. But they function almost as if they do, and we tend to regard them (sometimes unconsciously) that way. Sometimes delusions seem to have a mind of their own, and they can make us feel as if we have no control; so it may help to regard them with personae.
Spiritual Guides and Inner Guides manifest in many forms, and each form functions to guide us in a particular way. Whether you call your Spiritual Guide ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Allah’, ‘Buddha’, ‘Heruka’, ‘Lhamo Dorje’ or something else, you put a lot of faith in that being, and in many ways you believe your life is in their hands.
Your delusions “know” this, and they take advantage of the situation.
Distinctions between what your delusions tell you and what your Inner Guide tells you blur, when delusions manage to confuse you.
Now let’s talk a little bit about teachers, Inner Guides and Spiritual Guides.
When we lack confidence in our spiritual abilities, we tend not to act on some very valid insights and intuitions. This can stop us from making progress at the rate we would otherwise.
We don’t want to be over-confident and careless, but once we realize we’ve got a good foundation laid, we should move forward without spending a lot of time needlessly checking ourselves.
Many false teachers choose to attempt to generate (perhaps sub-consciously) a lack of self-confidence on the part of their students, trying to exert personal control over them.
This motivation reeks of negativity, and anyone who professes to offer spiritual teachings should check their motivation periodically. It’s not enough to state that one’s motivation is good.
We want to learn from qualified teachers, and qualified teachers always have many students who make good progress and gain realizations. If you study and practice with a teacher for some time, and don’t experience or witness growth, then try another teacher for a while.
There’s no harm in doing this; a teacher who loves his or her students and wishes for them to make progress will actually encourage this exploration.
A true teacher knows that there will always be students (until all beings in the world realize their enlightenment), and a returning student is just as precious as a new one.
Just to clarify: When I speak of “Inner Guides” and “Spiritual Guides”, I’m referring to “beings” who may – or may not – appear visibly in this world.
Sometimes people think their Inner or Spiritual Guide tells them to do something, when it’s their delusions doing the talking. And delusions can tell people to do some pretty crazy things. So here’s a list of guidelines to check if you ever feel like you might be freaking out and you’re not quite sure where you’re getting some of your ideas.
  1. No true Spiritual Guide will ever ask you to harm another living being.
  2. No true Spiritual Guide will ever ask you to take anything that does not belong to you.
  3. No true Spiritual Guide will ever tell you it’s okay to have sex with someone else’s partner (unless everyone affected explicitly agrees to it).
  4. No true Spiritual Guide will ever tell you that war is a necessary or good thing, or that it’s okay to kill your ‘enemies’.
  5. No true Spiritual Guide will ever abandon you.
  6. No true Spiritual Guide will ever threaten to abandon you.
  7. No true Spiritual Guide will ever threaten you in any way, whatsoever.
  8. A true Spiritual Guide will always have your best interests in mind and at heart.
  9. A true Spiritual Guide will never let you starve to death nor die from exposure.
  10. A true Spiritual Guide will always encourage you and acknowledge your progress.
  11. A true Spiritual Guide will always be there when you need help, even though you may feel alone.
  12. A true Spiritual Guide will always treat you with respect (unless you ask him or her not to, but that’s not a good idea).
  13. A true spiritual guide or teacher has no need to proclaim themselves as a teacher.
(Many thanks to Sidewalk Bends for #13)
If you ever come across someone who claims to be a spiritual teacher but doesn’t follow these guidelines, ask yourself: why you would want to follow that person?
It may be that you are due for some tough lessons about false teachers, but please know that your Guides would never send you a lesson like that unless you specifically requested it. It’s a tough lesson that can backfire and set you back substantially.
In any case, please familiarize yourself with the information in this chapter, and don’t be afraid to use it.


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 5)

January 18, 2012 

PART FIVE: How You Can Act In Your Dreams

[From Buddhas Heruka and
Shakespeare said “all the world’s a stage”, and Buddha Shakyamuni says all of life is like a dream.
We’d like to suggest that you may use your dreams as a stage: On this stage you can have a dress-rehearsal of your next lifetime.
At this dress-rehearsal you don’t need an audience and critics. You can try out different lines and different methods of delivery, and you can run through the scenes as many times as you like. The cast and crew await your beck and call, and even the heroes and villains can be made to do your bidding.
Leslee had a nightmare several years ago:
“I was about to be devoured by a huge, menacing, hairy monster with fangs the size of my legs and a gaping mouth as large as my bedroom. The monster was leering over me, mouth opened to engulf me.
“Just as I knew my life was about to end, the dream-set turned into a stage-set.
“My ‘camera’ zoomed out, and I suddenly beheld my tiny ‘self’ on the set beside a not-quite-so-tiny monster which was actually a marionette. The marionette was being controlled backstage by a huge fat jolly man sitting casually on a stool, wearing overalls and no shirt, laughing so hard that it seemed his scruffy beard was about to fall off.
“As the scene zoomed out a little further, I saw another version of myself, this time in scale with the man in overalls, and I was also sitting on a stool, watching the puppet show and looking a bit dumbstruck (but very relieved).
“Around myself and Shakey (the fat man) stood several empty stools, and the floor was littered with the bodies of monks and nuns who had collapsed from exhaustion.
“When I awoke from the Dream, I realized that ‘Shakey was Buddha Shakyamuni (and Shakespeare), appearing to show me the true nature of my experiences in life.
“The exhausted monks and nuns represented people who had thoroughly exhausted themselves by grasping at appearances (such as the appearance of how a person in robes should behave).”
This dream dramatically changed Leslee’s life.
It showed her how everything experienced in this life is not only not ‘real’, but Enlightened Beings also arrange it, for everyone’s best benefit (Enlightened Beings often defy our expectations of appearances).
In the dream, unlike the monster, Leslee was not a marionette being controlled by Shakey.
She was free to choose her actions. Fortunately she chose to step back from the scene of menace and get a wider perspective of the situation. From there I could see that I was in no danger.
Contemplating this dream may open a clear understanding that all of your experiences are lessons. This knowledge offers powerful guidance for decision-making.
Please allow your dreams to show you how to act in life.
This can happen in many ways. Enlightened Beings can give you very clear and obvious lessons like the dream about ‘Shakey’. This often happens when you’re ready for the lesson, because your guides see you headed for a challenging situation or decision.
When you receive these special dreams, please pay attention and question their possible meanings.
Quite often, dreams can be interpreted in many ways, and each interpretation offers a lesson.
People commonly dream about playing roles that they’ve never played in ‘real’ life. These dreams take you out of your comfort zone and force you to think on your feet, so to speak. In your dream world you really can’t make mistakes, so try to remember: you have nothing to lose.
Dreams are just rehearsals.
You can master your role, playing it out however you like, until you gain a deep understanding of what role you wish to play in the ‘real’ world.
As your roles in life continue to shift, your dreams are at your disposal as tools you can use to work through your new positions.
If you keep in mind that you’re using these tools while working with Enlightened Beings, you may feel inspired to look very closely at your dreams.
Every detail you remember probably serves as a cue for you to find a lesson about how you can use your dreams to guide you through waking life.


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 7)

January 21, 2012 § 4 Comments

PART SEVEN: Those Dreams You Don’t Talk About

[From Buddhas Manjushri, Heruka and Naropa]
There’s one kind of dream that We haven’t mentioned yet, but We can’t ignore it, because it’s probably everyone’s favorite type of dream.
Yes, We’re talking about Sex Dreams, and yes, We’re going to offer some explanations and information for your consideration.
First, let’s get the technical part out of the way: Sex Dreams are usually Non-Lucid Action-Making dreams, but you’d probably already figured that out.
What do Sex Dreams have to do with Dharma?
Well just like sex itself, they can have everything to do with Dharma, but it all depends on one’s point of view and attitude. We’ll go into Pure View in more detail in a moment; for now, let’s just say that there’s no action more virtuous than engaging in union with an Enlightened Being. If you truly engage in union with an Enlightened Being, your mind is mixing completely with the mind of the Union of Bliss and Emptiness, and if you can manage to sustain that Union permanently, then you’ve attained Enlightenment.
Please note that we said permanently.
That means never pausing, never ceasing, never taking a break. We think it’s safe to say that most sex is not like that.
Just the same, sometimes the experience of sex can give you glimpses of what the experience of Union is like. So, in that respect, it can be a very worthwhile endeavor.
We’d like to pause here and make a clarification. Many Buddhist stories make vague references to something called ‘meditation’ when they describe practices that involve ‘consorts’.
In almost all of these instances, ‘meditation’ refers to what might ordinarily be called ‘sex’.
The word ‘ordinary’ is key to understanding why sometimes it’s more fitting to use the word ‘meditation’.
A chapter on Dreams (and Sex) seems to be just as good a place as any to address the differences between ordinary view and Pure View.
Simply out, Pure View is an Enlightened Being’s point of view.
Practitioners of Vajrayana Buddhism make their best effort to engage in Pure View, and this means their goal is to constantly do a number of things. We might call it Supreme Multi-Tasking, but Pure View is much easier to say.
And it’s much easier to say than to do, so an intent Vajrayana practitioner continues to make effort to improve their multi-tasking ability until it finally becomes their very nature, and they’ve therefore attained Enlightenment.
Since We’ve begun a digression, let’s take it a little further and explain a little bit about the Vajrayana Path and Empowerments. We predict that the following explanations will likely receive criticism from traditional Vajrayana Buddhist circles; We’re treading on very sacred ground.
So We’re saying to you that since you’re reading these words, you have the very special karma to be receiving this transmission of an explanation.
What you choose to do with it’s entirely up to you. This advice resembles the advice given to anyone receiving an ‘actual’ Empowerment directly from a Vajra Master appearing in human form before them.
Vajra Masters may appear in any form they choose. The advice is the same: If you believe you’ve received an Empowerment from a Fully Enlightened Being, then that’s exactly what’s happened. If you don’t truly view the Vajra Master as an Enlightened Being, then you might as well just have gone to dinner with him or her, because that’s about how “empowered” you’ll get.
So if you believe that Enlightened Beings can give you a transmission through words that appears to be written by a human being, and from that transmission you may attain Enlightenment, then you have a tremendous amount of faith and will probably attain Enlightenment very easily.
If you think that idea is preposterous, then you might as well skip ahead to the next section, or put the book down altogether, because the explanation about sex won’t do you any good either.
If you fall anywhere in between, then you still have enough faith, so please read on and enjoy.
Now let’s get back to sex, and eventually we’ll get back to dreams about sex.
If you’ve ever had sex of any kind, then you’ve probably got a pretty good idea of how it affects the physical body. There are some wonderful explanations available about how it also affects the energy body: what precisely happens with the channels, winds and drops when one is aroused, and when two people enter into union.
Rather than repeating what’s already been skillfully said, We’ll simply summarize:
When the physical and energy bodies are aroused, one enters into a sort of altered state of awareness.
Then it’s possible that the perceptions of one’s energy body may begin to dominate over the familiar physical perceptions.
This may in turn lead to a transcendental experience, and We’re not talking about physical orgasm. We’re talking about a state of mind with very dreamlike qualities, that’s very subtle and fluid. This state mimics the experiences of highly-realized meditators when they’re approaching Enlightenment.
So, if you enter such a state of arousal, that arousal may act as a stepping stone for making spiritual progress.
We don’t guarantee this will happen for you, so by telling you this We’re not encouraging you to go out and have sex with wild abandon – that’s more likely to produce the opposite of the desired effect. But if the opportunity arises, We’re encouraging you to use your sexual practice as spiritual practice.
The more you meditate, the more you’ll gain control over your mind as well as your subtle channels, winds and drops, and this will positively impact your sexual experience.
Now We can get back to the main subject at hand: Sexual Dreams.
Really, all that’s left to say is that Sexual Dreams may serve the same purpose as the actual sex act when it comes to spiritual progress, and the more mindful you are during your dreams (of using them for spiritual progress), the more progress you’ll make.
It’s also worth telling you a little about the origin of these types of dreams.
Enlightened Beings help manifest your powerful sexual dreams. Spirits, gods and demons aren’t spiritually powerful enough to affect your mind and subtle energy body enough to produce strong sexual arousal when you sleep.
We make a distinction between powerful sexual dreams and simple fantasy dreams. The latter aren’t any more influenced by Enlightened Beings than your other ‘normal’ dreams. But you’ll know the difference if you have a powerful sexual dream, because you’ll remember it and understand naturally that it was a special dream.


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 3)

December 26, 2011 

PART THREE: Some Times You Have To Let Go

[ From Buddhas Heruka and Naropa]
Whenever you chose a new path, at some points you have to let go of your old ways of doing things. This applies to your dreams as well.
Please note that everything We say about dreams in this book applies to waking visions also.
Many people think there are two ways of dreaming: lucid and non-lucid.
Actually, in general, there are seven kinds of dreams people may have:
  1. Lucid: In lucid dreams you’re constantly aware that you’re dreaming. You might be in control, or not.
  2. Lucid Decision-Making: In this type of lucid dream you find yourself  in situations where you must make a decision; how you decide depends upon how you deal with fear.
  3. Lucid Action-Making: In this type of lucid dream you’re simply acting, and aren’t required to make any major decisions. This type of dream generally doesn’t frighten you, and in them you often interact with others.
  4. Non-Lucid Decision-Making: In this type of dream you also have to make decisions based on fear, but you’re experiencing the dream as ‘reality’. These dreams often frighten you more than the lucid decision-making type, and they more accurately test how well you’ve learned your lessons.
  5. Non-Lucid Action-Making: These dreams resemble most closely your waking life, in that you move through experiences somewhat automatically.
  6. Premonitions: These dreams may be specific or vague, as explained elsewhere in this chapter. They depict probabilities, not inevitabilities.
  7. Special Teaching: These dreams constitute a broad category. An example is Leslee’s dream about the puppet show. When you wake from these dreams you know without a doubt that you’ve learned something. Sometimes you can’t remember these dreams fully, but you wake with a conviction that something important took place in your dream. This means you’re still processing information and lessons. Once you complete the lesson, you’ll have a dream about it that you can remember.
These types of Dreams may occur several times a night.
You dream every night without fail, and Enlightened Beings constantly influence your dreams, just as They constantly influence your life.
Most people don’t remember most of their dreams. Most dreams are not worth remembering, because they wouldn’t make sense to an ordinary, conscious waking-state mind. Whenever you do remember a dream, you can be sure that there’s something for you to learn in it. That’s why We so strongly recommend you to keep a journal. Sometimes dream memories are very fleeting even though they’re invaluable.
Now that We’ve given you some new information about the nature of your dream world, We can give you some tips on how you may operate within that world.
When you go to sleep at night, please think of it as ‘diving in’.
Once your consciousness loosens its grip on your mind, you’re more or less free to go anywhere and do anything you please. If you go to sleep with the awareness that you’re entering your own brave new world, you’ll find that you can make a lot of spiritual progress during your dream-time. Use your dream-time like you use your waking time: it’s an opportunity to learn and help others, and even to become an Enlightened Being.
You’ll learn the most by doing, and when you’re ‘doing’ in your dream-time, it’s also like practicing ‘doing’ in the Dharmakaya.
The Dharmakaya is the Space-That-Is-Not-Even-Space, where the Ultimate Mind of all Enlightened Beings resides. Yes, that mind is singular, with countless aspects. From it may arise whatever may most benefit living beings. When your mind creates worlds in your dream-time, it’s much the same as how gods create worlds and Enlightened Beings emanate appearances.
Anything is possible, and nothing is certain.
Since We’ve touched on this already and you’re probably curious, let’s take a few moments and talk about spirits and gods.
This world enfolds many types of beings, and some of them are invisible to the ordinary human eye. As We’ve said before, just because something is unseen doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Quantum physics and string theory (among other scientific views) offer people exposure to the ideas that objects and principles in this world have both an ‘apparent’ and an ‘ultimate’ aspect. This also reflects a dual state of being. Many people understand the concept of an atom containing far more ‘space’ than ‘matter’, and also that various types of ‘matter’ (and energy) seem to exhibit various frequencies of vibration.
On that basis, please also entertain the possibility that other types of matter and energy exist outside the spectrum that you perceive with your five ordinary senses… or any instruments known currently to man.
If matter vibrates at a different frequency than yours, then it might be possible that other Beings and objects (and entire worlds) might exist in the same ‘space’ as your world.
Let’s also suppose that these ‘matter’ particles do a bang-up job of staying out of your perceptual range, or colliding with your ‘matter’ particles.
If you’re willing to entertain that possibility, then let’s take it a step further and also suppose that beings in those other worlds are able to perceive your world (that’s a bit humbling, isn’t it?).
What would that be like? Well, for an ordinary person, this wouldn’t seem any different than the world as you’ve known it previously.
But when that “ordinary” person - you - become extra-ordinary (in other words, once your pure view kicks in), then your perceptual world will begin to change, too.
With Pure View, your body and mind purify at a faster rate, and your mind (through your three super-senses) perceives things outside of the ‘normal’ range of perception.
You might also find yourself feeling alone during this process.
That’s one of the most challenging aspects of striving towards Enlightenment: you often have to leave friends and loved ones and your comfort zones behind so that you can forge ahead into uncharted territory.
That’s the main reason so many people make such relatively slow progress: humans don’t generally like to forge ahead alone.
What frustrates Enlightened Beings sometimes (yes, We do experience ordinary emotions, too) is that most of you don’t know something that We know about your path: We know that you’re not alone when you forge ahead into uncharted territory; far from it, in fact.
But most of you can’t perceive that you have a huge cheering section following your every moment.
We rejoice in your victories and progress, and share your sadness when you’re met with difficulties. We could ‘hit you over the head’ to get your attention, but you tend to get scared when We do that, and following this path can be frightening enough as it is.
We’ve digressed again, and gotten ahead of Ourselves. So let’s get back to gods and spirits (and Enlightened Beings) and how We all fit into this world together. We’re assuming you’ve followed Our logic so far, so We’re continuing forward as if you’ve agreed that what We’re describing might be possible.
Spirits and gods do exist, in parallel universes, concurrent with your space.
They possess physical bodies, but they’re much more fluid and ephemeral than yours. They’re not bound by time constraints in the same way you are.
Enlightened Beings also exist (generally) unseen in the same space as you.
In Our ultimate state, we don’t inhabit physical bodies at all. Our true nature is purely Mind. However, We may emanate within physical bodies.
When emanate, a part of Our pure mind manifests itself inside a physical body. It stays with that body, just as your mind stays with your body, and oftentimes this emanated mind is oblivious to its enlightened nature. Usually, a recognized Enlightened Being has to ‘tell’ this person that they’re an Emanation, and most of the times they don’t believe the news even when they hear it.
This provides some very effective – and essential – camouflage for that person.
So, technically speaking, emanations are usually not Fully Enlightened Beings. They look and act, for the most part, like ordinary beings, so that ordinary beings won’t find them weird. If they began to act weird, then people might begin to think they’re unbalanced. So, many emanations (unintentionally) go to great pains to seem normal, so they can go about their activities unhindered.
We’d like to explain why We started talking about gods, spirits and Enlightened Beings within a chapter about dreams and visions.
These beings influence many of your dreams and visions.
Now, there’s no cause for alarm. This isn’t a new development, and usually these beings are trying to help you in your dreams and visions. They may show you possibilities beyond your imagination, and beyond your world.
Yes, it is true: there are many beings in this world that may wish to harm others. However, most of them are human, and your Cheering Section vastly out-numbers the few harmful gods and spirits that are able to affect this world.
We explain this to you to put your minds at ease.
There’s also a category of beings that you refer to as ‘Extra-Terrestrials’, and they’re more physically dense than gods, spirits and Enlightened Beings. In many ways, they greatly resemble humans, and their minds more closely resemble humans than otherwise. Of these beings, let’s say that about half are well-intentioned, and about half ill-intentioned, towards both humans and each other.
The narrow margin of good-versus-evil intentions among Extra-Terrestrials is why Enlightened Beings are working so hard to try to contact humans now.
To put it bluntly, We’re trying to shift the balance of power for the better.
So the idea of living in a clearly-defined and visible universe is another human convention that you may do well to release.
The more your minds open to new possibilities in terms of defining and manifesting your world, the more likely We’ll be able to help you attain a New World with which you may be very pleased.
Many of you already see the direction your world is currently taking. There’s still time for a very auspicious change in course, but humans can’t achieve this alone.
Each time one of you becomes more perceptive and aware of more possibilities, the brighter your own future looks.


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 2)

December 26, 2011

PART TWO: Biding Your Time

[from Buddhas Heruka, Manjushri, and Naropa]
As you meditate your way to Enlightenment, you’ll attain a state of mental concentration called Samadhi,  ‘Tranquil Abiding’, or simply ‘Abiding’.
Many consider this a level of high attainment; the fact is, you really need to get there before you can go anywhere else.
Abiding is the state at which you first really have some control over your mind. Up until then you may always be able to bring your mind back to your object when it wanders, but it still does wander.
Once you arrive at the point of tranquil abiding, your mind is content to stay on its object without getting distracted.
This then frees your mind to get on with its virtuous object/subject of meditation/focus.
You may be wondering why We’re talking about meditation in a chapter on dreaming and visioning. Tranquil abiding, dreaming and visioning share many characteristics. They all require a mind that focuses singularly on its object of concentration.
In meditating, you choose a virtuous object, say ‘Compassion’. Once you get your mind focused onto compassion, you then do a very special kind of wandering in which you explore all the nooks and crannies and ins and outs of compassion, never straying from the boundaries of that concept until you’re done with that meditation (for the time being).
When you’re dreaming and visioning, your mind also stays within certain boundaries – those of your dream or vision world.
For most people, dreams flicker past rapidly. You slip into your dream world for just a moment, until some mental distraction (usually another dream incident) whisks you away. You’re not even able to ‘keep your place’ within the dream world, much less exert any control over it.
The same holds true for visioning: you might catch a fleeting glimpse of something, but then it’s gone before you can really inspect it and make some use of it. As you develop steadier concentration, you’re better able to follow, and later control, your object, dream or vision. Once you reach this point, these activities become much more productive for you.
Now, when We say “productive” We certainly don’t mean to take a work-horse attitude about these activities which may actually give you a lot of pleasure.
You can use meditation, dreams and visions to reach your goals and make your life more enjoyable.
Having an unpleasant experience while meditating, dreaming or visioning results from your karma. If you know how to dream actively (not passively) then ‘nightmares’ might not disturb you, and you’ll still be eager to get on to your next dream. However, if you treat dreaming as work… Well, you know what’s likely to happen. Similarly for meditating and visioning: you want to set yourself up to reap benefits, not discouragement.
So, how do you reach the point of Tranquil Abiding in meditation, so that it can sharpen all of your mental activity?
With a lot of patience.
How to you keep your patience? By not taking on more than you can handle. How do you know how much you can handle? By trying something new, and watching to see how your mind reacts.
For example, if you sit to meditate for twenty minutes and afterwards find that you feel tired, discouraged or irritable, or you experience any other negative emotion, then try only fifteen minutes the next time.
Please note: feeling tired and falling asleep are not the same thing.
Sometimes when you dream or vision, the mind relaxes more quickly than you can keep up with and follow while remaining conscious. When this happens, it’s not wasted effort; it’s just that you’re not training as actively as when you are conscious.
So keep adjusting your time spent practicing until you find a length of time that suits you, and then modify it as you go along.
Of course you may find this challenging if you happen to be participating in a group class and everyone is on a different personal rhythm. You may end up feeling inadequate or superior, and neither of these attitudes is going to help you.
There’s a trade-off that you have to weigh: on the one hand, group practice certainly generates more powerful energy (positive or negative).
On the other hand, when you’re in a group you’re more likely to be faced with distractions.
Practicing alone reverses the effects of practicing in a group, and both of these options involve compromise.
A third option that you might like to try experimenting with is to practice with a small group of people who are at a similar level of experience as yourself.
If you’re fortunate enough to find or form such a group, you may find the best of both worlds.
In any case, if you do group practice, you still need to make time for your individual practice as well. The powerful energy of group practice can help you get a taste or preview of levels you may advance to, but you need private time to hone your skills and gain understanding of where you are on the spectrum of concentration.
Practicing alone takes more self-discipline and strong motivation, but you have more freedom to choose your schedule and meditation object.
The solo-practice scenario parallels more similarly what you face during dreaming and visioning. So, as We get back to our main subject, We can conclude:
A steady private meditation practice may make your dreaming and visioning skills more effective.


BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 01)

December 26, 2011 

PART ONE: Welcome To Your Dream World

[from Buddhas Heruka, Manjushri, and Naropa]
Most people use their dreams to work through their issues and questions.
Some people with highly-developed minds use their dreaming time to go to places and do things that they can’t do with their human bodies.
Only a small percentage of people can do this, but those who can,  understand – on some level – what’s transpiring. Your higher selves conduct these excursions for you, so as you improve your human connection with your Higher Mind, the more actively your human awareness engages in these enterprises.
When people fall asleep, their minds become more subtle.
This means you shift into a different type of awareness, in which appearances flow and express multiple layers. This happens when you’re dreaming in REM sleep.
At other times, when you’re sleeping deeply, your mind actually leaves your body and goes to “heaven” (or “hell”, in the case of nightmares).  It works this way for most people; you simply don’t remember (with your brain and body) what happens to you once your mind leaves body. You need your brain in order to remember, so when your mind leaves your body, because your physical nervous system wasn’t involved in that activity, your body can’t help you recall what happened.
Dreaming uses your physical nervous system, and that’s why you can recall dreams, including through hypnosis.
The neurons and pathways can reconstruct dream events in your brain so you can recall the dreams with your brain and mind.
Then, when you return to remember the ‘dream’, you again engage in your virtuous activities, but now you’re using your brain as you recall. This way, you’re training your physical neurology to familiarize itself with virtue.
Now, how do We know all this is true?
No ordinary sleep study could detect your mind once it’s left your body.
‘Mind’ in this context refers to conscious awareness, not autonomic function. Your body functions continue autonomically regardless of where your mind goes, as long as your body’s in adequate health. So there’s no way to prove that what We’re saying is true.
Even if scientists could develop a mechanism to detect when the mind leaves the body, that mechanism could not detect where the mind goes, unless it were also able to travel with the mind. At present people on earth don’t have such a mechanism, and given the current state of affairs of human consciousness, that is probably a good thing.
Perhaps one day mankind will be ready for that mechanism, once We can be certain that it would only be used for good.
Now these places that your minds travel vary: some are physical, and some are not. Once you understand how the mind creates its own world, this statement will make more sense. For now, We can just say that these places may be worlds outside ‘your own’.
Manjushri and Naropa would like for you to know that if you want to learn more about this, you should learn to meditate.
Only through sitting quietly with no distractions will you begin to understand and observe how your own mind works.
Everyone’s minds differ; don’t ever believe it if a ‘teacher’ tells you otherwise.
Once you teach your mind to settle, then you can move on to more advanced lessons, and this way Enlightened Beings can help you. That’s why many traditions use prayer: to ask for help. You don’t have to ask for help, but things go much quicker and easier if you do, so We highly recommend it.
Also, making requests creates karmic connections to Enlightened Beings, and that can be very helpful too.
You don’t need a teacher in order to learn to meditate. All you need is a good intention and your mind.
Once you begin to meditate, you’re on your way to Enlightenment. Once you realize Enlightenment, your mind spontaneously performs whatever actions are most beneficial to the greatest number of beings. You may not be fully conscious of your actions or their impacts, at least not with your waking mind, but that doesn’t lessen their effect.
Until you’re Enlightened, you need to tell your mind where you want it to go. This is the first step in learning to meditate.
Now, dreams come in many forms and types, and it’s helpful to know a little bit about the variations. Not all dreams are lucid, and that’s okay. You can use your dream time to be very productive if you want, and simply observing that you’re dreaming isn’t very productive. So it’s fine if you want to check from time to time to see if you’re dreaming, but please have a more productive goal in mind when you go to sleep.
All of humanity needs your help – they don’t need to know whether  you know when you’re dreaming.
We mention this because many people who can dream lucidly, but choose to make recognizing their lucid dreaming a priority, could be engaging in much more beneficial activities.
Everyone likes good dreams, and no one chooses to have a nightmare, but nightmares can actually be very beneficial. If you always have only good dreams, you certainly enjoy your sleep more. But nightmares can teach you more than pleasant dreams ever could, because nightmares show you the things you still need to work on.
For instance, if you Dream that you’re in hell, then take the time to wonder why.
Perhaps you’re simply reliving a memory, but maybe something in your karma threatens to send you to hell in the future. Since you can’t really be sure, you can safely assume that you’d better get to work earning some merit and dedicating it to attaining Great Enlightenment. To attain Great Enlightenment, you need a lot of help from Enlightened Beings, so that dedication will naturally create strong karmic connections between yourself and Enlightened Beings.
Also, you’re protected by your good intention. When you make requests of Enlightened Beings, They begin helping you immediately, even if you can’t notice it.
Sometimes, when you need a break or some encouragement, Enlightened Beings send you particularly pleasant dreams, and these dreams show you what’s possible. Enjoy these dreams, knowing that they’ll come true in one form or another, in one lifetime or another.
Sometimes your dreams act as premonitions, although here We get into some muddy water.
Premonitions can be vague or very specific. Only an Enlightened Being can be certain which situation applies for any given dream.
Often when you look at your dreams, you can’t discern much meaning until later. It helps to keep a dream journal and write down even the most ridiculous or insignificant dreams, as you remember them. It may be months or years before you finally get all of their meanings, but many times you find the messages to be very meaningful and powerful.
It’s best not to be attached to assigning any particular meaning to dreams, because it’s not uncommon for one dream-incident to have several meanings, which may be relevant at different times in your life. Over time you’ll come to know the full significance of the dreams if you record them as objectively as possible.
For some people, a voice recording works better than writing. In any case, keeping some record of your dreams can prove very helpful.
Now, you might wonder where your dreams come from; obviously they come from your mind, but clearly there’s more to it than that.
When you dream, your mind pulls material from your experiences and your potentialities.
Based on your karma and your merit, you each have your own specific bank of both experience and potential. Just as no two people have the same karma and merit, no two people have the same dreams. In dreaming, your mind, aided by your guides, constructs whatever you need to experience in your dream world at that moment.
You might receive instructions, review events, or see things that could happen. Or you might be guided to meet others, if that benefits you most at the moment.
‘Moment’ is an apt choice of words because, as much dream research indicates, dreams are very momentary, very brief.
The constructs of physical time, space and activity don’t restrict your dream worlds. Nerve synapses can fire instantaneously, and can store a vast amount of information in just a second of conventional time. Remembering and recording take place within conventional time, though, so as you recall your dreams the sequence of events becomes elongated, so to speak.
In your dreams – in fact, even in your conscious mind – you can mentally live an entire lifetime within the matter of a few seconds.
And that’s precisely because there’s no ‘matter’ involved; dreaming is an activity purely of mind.
Even though some dream practitioners believe they can actually go to real physical places or transform their physical bodies in their dreams, although it feels real, it’s merely a product of mind. This doesn’t make these experiences invalid; We’re just making the distinction that dreaming occurs independently of physical time and matter.
You can meet people in dreams, but this is a meeting of minds, not of bodies. And the ability to ‘meet minds’ must be developed; it doesn’t come naturally to most people. We’d also like to note that when We say ‘mind’, We’re referring to the ultimate or very subtle mind, not the subtle energy body.
Energy is still physical, no matter how subtle it may be.
When you dream, many things happen in your physical body. Your body  relaxes completely, and only your autonomic functions continue. Your mind steals the show, manifesting many things that the body wouldn’t normally allow. We say ‘allow’ deliberately, because your waking body possesses a mind of its own.
While awake, the body communicates with the mind, helping sort through and process sensory input. This instinctive function keeps you out of physical danger. All eight – yes, eight – senses function fully (to the extent that they’re intact), and all of your sense organs keep attention.
While all of this happens, you can’t unplug your minds and go off dreaming… or can you? As We mentioned before, the powerful mind can multi-task.
Its three Super Senses run like background programs, undetected by scientific measurements.
Some people unplug without falling asleep, and We call this visioning. Most people have to fall asleep to shut down the first five sense awarenesses, and then the super-conscious dreaming mind takes over. The term ‘super-conscious’ better reflects its activity than ‘sub-conscious’ when discussing the dreaming mind.
The vast and over-arching super-conscious mind pervades your experience – including your conscious awareness.
‘super-conscious’, ‘ultimate’, and ‘very subtle’ mind all refer to the same phenomena, and this mind abides with you constantly, usually working in the background while your conscious mind thinks and takes care of busy-ness.
Now you’re perhaps wondering about these extra Super Senses that We just mentioned. You already know about the first five senses: Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste and Hearing. And many of you know of a ‘sixth sense’, or ‘telepathy’.
Actually what most people call the ‘sixth sense’ includes three separate super-conscious senses, and We call them ‘super-hearing’, or clairaudience, ‘super-seeing’, or clairvoyance; and ‘super-knowing’, or gross omniscience.
We’d like to add that all people already possess these three additional sense awarenesses.
Anyone can cultivate perception, understanding and processing through these super sense awarenesses. When We say “all people”, We mean humans, animals and spirits. These sense awarenesses receive and process their input regardless of the state of your sense organs, and they continue to function until the death of the brain or body. Even someone who lacks all five ordinary senses perceives through the super-senses, even if they’re unconscious.
Please account for the three super-senses if ever you must make decisions about medical life support for someone.
Anyone who’s made this difficult decision for a loved one knows exactly what We mean. Also please remember that a good intention can overpower any ‘mistakes’ you feel you’ve made in life.
So let’s talk some more about dreaming versus visioning. Dreaming occurs during sleeping; you vision while waking. Please note that ‘waking’ is not a passive activity as implied by the expression ‘being awake’. It’s by far one of the most active verbs you can use.
When you dream, only your super-senses functioning, but they serve very well to alert you, when needed, to activities going on outside or inside your body while you sleep.
Once your body awakens, for most people, the super-senses then go to sleep.
However, if you train yourself in dreaming and visioning, you can also train your three super-senses to remain awake while you’re waking. This may happen naturally, or you may actively develop these skills. Many good books exist on training in extra-sensory perception, so We won’t delve into that.
The three main points We wish to make here are that you all possess these three super-senses, you can cultivate more clear and conscious perceptions through them, and most people use these senses more actively while dreaming.
If you wish to go visioning, you may find many good books and teachers on that subject.
We’re focusing on how you can use dreaming and visioning to attain Enlightenment, so please follow your inclinations and allow your Inner Guide to lead you to the materials that best complement your path.
How do you attain Enlightenment using dreaming and visioning?
First, please check your motivation. If you dream and vision for the benefit of others, then you’re off to a good start. If you dream and vision for amusement or personal gratification of some other sort, then your dreaming and visioning activities will not necessarily make you a better person over time.
In fact, if you do it merely for your own benefit, you run the risk of getting into many perilous psychic situations. If you do it for others, then Enlightened Beings protect you while you dream and vision. If you do it for yourself, then you have only yourself for protection, and that may not be enough. You live in a world with many unseen beings and forces.
So now We’ve also covered motivation a bit.