BOOK TWO: chapter nine: the nature and meaning of dreams and visions (part 01)
PART ONE: Welcome To Your Dream World
[from Buddhas Heruka, Manjushri, and Naropa]
Most people use their dreams to work through their issues and questions.
Some people with highly-developed minds use their dreaming time to go
to places and do things that they can’t do with their human bodies.
Only a small percentage of people can do this, but those who can,
understand – on some level – what’s transpiring. Your higher selves
conduct these excursions for you, so as you improve your human
connection with your Higher Mind, the more actively your human awareness
engages in these enterprises.
When people fall asleep, their minds become more subtle.
This means you shift into a different type of awareness, in which
appearances flow and express multiple layers. This happens when you’re
dreaming in REM sleep.
At other times, when you’re sleeping deeply, your mind actually
leaves your body and goes to “heaven” (or “hell”, in the case of
nightmares). It works this way for most people; you simply don’t
remember (with your brain and body) what happens to you once your mind
leaves body. You need your brain in order to remember,
so when your mind leaves your body, because your physical nervous
system wasn’t involved in that activity, your body can’t help you recall
what happened.
Dreaming uses your physical nervous system, and that’s why you can recall dreams, including through hypnosis.
The neurons and pathways can reconstruct dream events in your brain so you can recall the dreams with your brain and mind.
Then, when you return to remember the ‘dream’, you again engage in
your virtuous activities, but now you’re using your brain as you recall.
This way, you’re training your physical neurology to familiarize itself
with virtue.
Now, how do We know all this is true?
No ordinary sleep study could detect your mind once it’s left your body.
‘Mind’ in this context refers to conscious awareness, not autonomic
function. Your body functions continue autonomically regardless of where
your mind goes, as long as your body’s in adequate health. So there’s
no way to prove that what We’re saying is true.
Even if scientists could develop a mechanism to detect when the mind leaves the body, that mechanism could not detect where
the mind goes, unless it were also able to travel with the mind. At
present people on earth don’t have such a mechanism, and given the
current state of affairs of human consciousness, that is probably a good
Perhaps one day mankind will be ready for that mechanism, once We can be certain that it would only be used for good.
Now these places that your minds travel vary: some are physical, and
some are not. Once you understand how the mind creates its own world,
this statement will make more sense. For now, We can just say that these
places may be worlds outside ‘your own’.
Manjushri and Naropa would like for you to know that if you want to learn more about this, you should learn to meditate.
Only through sitting quietly with no distractions will you begin to understand and observe how your own mind works.
Everyone’s minds differ; don’t ever believe it if a ‘teacher’ tells you otherwise.
Once you teach your mind to settle, then you can move on to more
advanced lessons, and this way Enlightened Beings can help you. That’s
why many traditions use prayer: to ask for help. You don’t have to ask for help, but things go much quicker and easier if you do, so We highly recommend it.
Also, making requests creates karmic connections to Enlightened Beings, and that can be very helpful too.
You don’t need a teacher in order to learn to meditate. All you need is a good intention and your mind.
Once you begin to meditate, you’re on your way to Enlightenment. Once
you realize Enlightenment, your mind spontaneously performs whatever
actions are most beneficial to the greatest number of beings. You may
not be fully conscious of your actions or their impacts, at least not
with your waking mind, but that doesn’t lessen their effect.
Until you’re Enlightened, you need to tell your mind where you want it to go. This is the first step in learning to meditate.
Now, dreams come in many forms and types, and it’s helpful to know a
little bit about the variations. Not all dreams are lucid, and that’s
okay. You can use your dream time to be very productive if you want, and
simply observing that you’re dreaming isn’t very productive. So it’s
fine if you want to check from time to time to see if you’re dreaming,
but please have a more productive goal in mind when you go to sleep.
All of humanity needs your help – they don’t need to know whether you know when you’re dreaming.
We mention this because many people who can dream lucidly, but choose
to make recognizing their lucid dreaming a priority, could be engaging
in much more beneficial activities.
Everyone likes good dreams, and no one chooses to have a nightmare,
but nightmares can actually be very beneficial. If you always have only
good dreams, you certainly enjoy your sleep more. But nightmares can
teach you more than pleasant dreams ever could, because nightmares show
you the things you still need to work on.
For instance, if you Dream that you’re in hell, then take the time to wonder why.
Perhaps you’re simply reliving a memory, but maybe something in your
karma threatens to send you to hell in the future. Since you can’t
really be sure, you can safely assume that you’d better get to work
earning some merit and dedicating it to attaining Great Enlightenment.
To attain Great Enlightenment, you need a lot of help from Enlightened
Beings, so that dedication will naturally create strong karmic
connections between yourself and Enlightened Beings.
Also, you’re protected by your good intention. When you make requests
of Enlightened Beings, They begin helping you immediately, even if you
can’t notice it.
Sometimes, when you need a break or some encouragement, Enlightened
Beings send you particularly pleasant dreams, and these dreams show you
what’s possible. Enjoy these dreams, knowing that they’ll come true in
one form or another, in one lifetime or another.
Sometimes your dreams act as premonitions, although here We get into some muddy water.
Premonitions can be vague or very specific. Only an
Enlightened Being can be certain which situation applies for any given
Often when you look at your dreams, you can’t discern much meaning
until later. It helps to keep a dream journal and write down even the
most ridiculous or insignificant dreams, as you remember them. It may be
months or years before you finally get all of their meanings, but many
times you find the messages to be very meaningful and powerful.
It’s best not to be attached to assigning any particular meaning to
dreams, because it’s not uncommon for one dream-incident to have several
meanings, which may be relevant at different times in your life. Over
time you’ll come to know the full significance of the dreams if you
record them as objectively as possible.
For some people, a voice recording works better than writing. In any
case, keeping some record of your dreams can prove very helpful.
Now, you might wonder where your dreams come from; obviously they come from your mind, but clearly there’s more to it than that.
When you dream, your mind pulls material from your experiences and your potentialities.
Based on your karma and your merit, you each have your own specific
bank of both experience and potential. Just as no two people have the
same karma and merit, no two people have the same dreams. In dreaming,
your mind, aided by your guides, constructs whatever you need to
experience in your dream world at that moment.
You might receive instructions, review events, or see things that
could happen. Or you might be guided to meet others, if that benefits
you most at the moment.
‘Moment’ is an apt choice of words because, as much dream research indicates, dreams are very momentary, very brief.
The constructs of physical time, space and activity don’t restrict
your dream worlds. Nerve synapses can fire instantaneously, and can
store a vast amount of information in just a second of conventional
time. Remembering and recording take place within conventional time,
though, so as you recall your dreams the sequence of events becomes
elongated, so to speak.
In your dreams – in fact, even in your conscious mind – you can
mentally live an entire lifetime within the matter of a few seconds.
And that’s precisely because there’s no ‘matter’ involved; dreaming is an activity purely of mind.
Even though some dream practitioners believe they can actually go to
real physical places or transform their physical bodies in their dreams,
although it feels real, it’s merely a product of mind. This doesn’t
make these experiences invalid; We’re just making the distinction that
dreaming occurs independently of physical time and matter.
You can meet people in dreams, but this is a
meeting of minds, not of bodies. And the ability to ‘meet minds’ must
be developed; it doesn’t come naturally to most people. We’d also like
to note that when We say ‘mind’, We’re referring to the ultimate or very
subtle mind, not the subtle energy body.
Energy is still physical, no matter how subtle it may be.
When you dream, many things happen in your physical body. Your body
relaxes completely, and only your autonomic functions continue. Your
mind steals the show, manifesting many things that the body wouldn’t
normally allow. We say ‘allow’ deliberately, because your waking body
possesses a mind of its own.
While awake, the body communicates with the mind, helping sort
through and process sensory input. This instinctive function keeps you
out of physical danger. All eight – yes, eight – senses function fully (to the extent that they’re intact), and all of your sense organs keep attention.
While all of this happens, you can’t unplug your minds and go off dreaming… or can you? As We mentioned before, the powerful mind can multi-task.
Its three Super Senses run like background programs, undetected by scientific measurements.
Some people unplug without falling asleep, and We call this
visioning. Most people have to fall asleep to shut down the first five
sense awarenesses, and then the super-conscious dreaming mind takes
over. The term ‘super-conscious’ better reflects its activity than
‘sub-conscious’ when discussing the dreaming mind.
The vast and over-arching super-conscious mind pervades your experience – including your conscious awareness.
‘super-conscious’, ‘ultimate’, and ‘very subtle’ mind all refer to
the same phenomena, and this mind abides with you constantly, usually
working in the background while your conscious mind thinks and takes
care of busy-ness.
Now you’re perhaps wondering about these extra Super Senses that We
just mentioned. You already know about the first five senses: Sight,
Smell, Touch, Taste and Hearing. And many of you know of a ‘sixth
sense’, or ‘telepathy’.
Actually what most people call the ‘sixth sense’ includes three
separate super-conscious senses, and We call them ‘super-hearing’, or clairaudience, ‘super-seeing’, or clairvoyance; and ‘super-knowing’, or gross omniscience.
We’d like to add that all people already possess these three additional sense awarenesses.
Anyone can cultivate perception, understanding and processing through
these super sense awarenesses. When We say “all people”, We mean
humans, animals and spirits. These sense awarenesses receive and process
their input regardless of the state of your sense organs, and they
continue to function until the death of the brain or body. Even someone
who lacks all five ordinary senses perceives through the super-senses,
even if they’re unconscious.
Please account for the three super-senses if ever you must make decisions about medical life support for someone.
Anyone who’s made this difficult decision for a loved one knows
exactly what We mean. Also please remember that a good intention can
overpower any ‘mistakes’ you feel you’ve made in life.
So let’s talk some more about dreaming versus visioning. Dreaming
occurs during sleeping; you vision while waking. Please note that
‘waking’ is not a passive activity as implied by the expression ‘being
awake’. It’s by far one of the most active verbs you can use.
When you dream, only your super-senses functioning, but they serve
very well to alert you, when needed, to activities going on outside or
inside your body while you sleep.
Once your body awakens, for most people, the super-senses then go to sleep.
However, if you train yourself in dreaming and visioning, you can
also train your three super-senses to remain awake while you’re waking.
This may happen naturally, or you may actively develop these skills.
Many good books exist on training in extra-sensory perception, so We
won’t delve into that.
The three main points We wish to make here are that you all possess these three super-senses, you can cultivate more clear and conscious perceptions through them, and most people use these senses more actively while dreaming.
If you wish to go visioning, you may find many good books and teachers on that subject.
We’re focusing on how you can use dreaming and visioning to attain
Enlightenment, so please follow your inclinations and allow your Inner
Guide to lead you to the materials that best complement your path.
How do you attain Enlightenment using dreaming and visioning?
First, please check your motivation. If you dream and vision for the
benefit of others, then you’re off to a good start. If you dream and
vision for amusement or personal gratification of some other sort, then
your dreaming and visioning activities will not necessarily make you a
better person over time.
In fact, if you do it merely for your own benefit, you run the risk
of getting into many perilous psychic situations. If you do it for
others, then Enlightened Beings protect you while you dream and vision.
If you do it for yourself, then you have only yourself for protection,
and that may not be enough. You live in a world with many unseen beings
and forces.
So now We’ve also covered motivation a bit.
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